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Caribcraft is a global online marketplace where people come together to make, sell, and buy original Caribbean products.

- 1. Using e-commerce to provide the Caribbean with a unique place in the global e-commerce market.
- 2. Distribute product sales to the Caribbean artisans and retailers where the products are sourced.
- 3. Market genuine Caribbean products rather than those that have been made by a foreign third party.
www.caribcraft.com will go live on December 1st.
Free Membership for Vendors approved before December 1 st.
We are currently accepting vendor applications for review. All approved vendors will receive free subscription if your account is finalized before Dec 1st.
Click the Quick Links tab at top, or bottom of page to fill out Vendor Registration.
Or you can contact us at: alexis@caribcraft.com.And ask us a question.
| We appreciate your visit and will see you soon!